Six Essential Items You’ll Need On Moving Day skip to content link

Six Essential Items You’ll Need On Moving Day

Posted on July 2, 2021

Moving into a new home is such an interesting time. It’s both exciting and stress-inducing. Undoubtedly you’ll spend weeks packing with a long list of to-do items that must be ready for the big day. One overlooked item on that list though is a checklist for your “moving day kit” that will help make your move much easier and less stressful.


Clean bedding and pillows

One of the last things you’ll do before packing boxes into a truck is to strip your bed. When you are doing that, remember to grab a clean set of linens to put in your moving day kit. This is going to help you transition into the comfort of your new bedroom in your new home.

It’s amazing what a freshly made bed can do to make a room feel settled instead of unfamiliar and chaotic! You’ll also thank yourself at the end of an exhausting move-in day when you can crash on a clean bed without having to hunt around to find sheets to make the bed.

Cleaning supplies

Ideally, if you are fortunate enough, you may be able to have access to your new home before moving day, so you can prep ahead by cleaning the new space. But even if you are able to take care of the cleaning before moving day, having basic cleaning supplies on hand will come in handy.

No matter how careful your moving company is, dirt is likely to be tracked into your home as your belongings are loaded into your new home. And with many moving parts, spills and unexpected messes are also unfortunately sometimes an issue.


If you don’t have access to your new space before moving day, you have all the more reason to come into your new home, ready with essential cleaning supplies. You’ll want to complete a few basic cleaning tasks before placing your items throughout your home. Think about it: once that oversized loveseat is in place, how likely are you to move it to clean the floor and walls behind it?

Here is a list of basic cleaning supplies we suggest you have on hand for your moving day:

  • Sponges

  • Dish soap

  • Hand soap for each sink

  • Paper towels

  • An all-purpose cleaner

  • A broom and a dustpan

  • Dust clothes or rags

  • Pro tip: At least one toilet paper roll for each bathroom!

Toolkit & Flashlight

While you probably won’t be hanging pictures on the walls right away, having a basic toolkit is a moving necessity! If you took apart any furniture to keep it safe during the move, you’ll have what you need to put it back together right away. Plus, you never know what you may need pliers or a hammer for, so it’s great to keep a small toolkit aside for moving day.

 Phone chargers and bluetooth speaker

Your phone battery may drain quickly on move-in day. There are undoubtedly going to be lots of calls. Or you might just want to play music while unpacking. Don’t forget to keep your charger handy so you can keep your phone fully charged all day. Also, having a Bluetooth speaker to play music is a great way to keep the stress levels down and make the time pass faster.

Don’t forget snacks (and water)

Even with a moving company, moving can be physically hard work. Be sure to have snacks and bottled water on hand! If possible, put the water bottles in a fridge at the new home before you arrive so they are nice and cold! If that isn’t a possibility, pack up a cooler you can use to keep your water cold.

You can also throw power bars, apples, bananas and grapes in there. This will give you a great source of energy if you find you are a little hungry and need a power boost during the day.

Last but not least, your overnight bag

One of the best ways to feel put together during a move is to pack a bag like you are staying overnight somewhere. Because let’s face it, that new home will feel like you’re staying overnight somewhere other than home! At least until some of your boxes are unpacked!

Pack a pair of pajamas and a change of clothes for the next day. Also pack your toiletry essentials like toothpaste, a toothbrush and your shower gels and shampoos. If your new home has a bathtub/shower combo, also be sure to purchase a clear shower curtain with rings before your moving day. This way you can actually shower your first night in your new home. You’ll definitely want to wash up after a long day of moving!

By following this moving essentials kit list, you should have everything you need while you’re unpacking, without having to go searching for things that are packed away! This will make the day less stressful and help everything run just a little bit smoother.

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